15. May - 30. September 2024

Daniel Canogar Phloem

Daniel Canogar Phloem, 2024 generative Kunstinstallation

KfW Stiftung and KfW Bankengruppe present generative video art by award-winning international media artist Daniel Canogar in Frankfurt. The artwork visualises Germany's energy supply on the 50 square metre media wall. "Phloem" is a data-based animation that continuously regenerates itself thanks to real-time data.

The title of the work is borrowed from biology: "Phloem" refers to the nutrient pathways of a plant and hints at the data streams on which the artwork is based. The algorithm programmed by the artist obtains real-time data on the prevailing energy sources from the Internet and translates them into a visual composition. A constantly changing network instantly weights the dominant energy sources in Germany - such as oil, coal, gas, solar, wind, water or biomass. When the weather is sunny, the solar energy shown in yellow dominates; when it is dark, the coal power coded in black is particularly pronounced. With his work "Phloem", Daniel Canogar not only visualises Germany's energy sources, but also shows them as a decentralised and complex network of resources. The installation reminds us how naturally people access this multifaceted infrastructure in their everyday lives: when they switch on the light, open their laptop or operate the coffee machine.


About Daniel Canogar
Daniel Canogar (*1964, Madrid/Spain) completed his studies at the International Centre of Photography at New York University in 1990 with a Master of Arts. Canogar is considered a successful pioneer of light media art. In his works, he creates state-of-the-art technologies with which he discusses complex social contexts. Canogar has been Professor of Architecture at the University of IE (Madrid) since 2010. Canogar's works are exhibited in renowned galleries and museums worldwide, including the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid), Centre for Art and Media (Karlsruhe), Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen (Düsseldorf), Hamburger Bahnhof (Berlin) and American Museum of Natural History (New York City). The artist has received numerous awards and prizes, for example from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid, Chapman University in California and the Frankfurt B3 Biennial of Light. The interactive and real-time generated installation "Brushstrokes" (2021) is on permanent display at DekaBank’s Frankfurt-Niederrad office.



Artist Talk

Daniel Canogar in conversation with Heike Sütter

 9 July 2024 
18:00- 20:30

Daniel Canogar will give insight into his work "Phloem" and his artistic practice. 
Registration required.

Please note that only a limited number of seats are available. 



Image credits

Daniel Canogar, Phloem, 2024, generative art installation (Installation view KfW Bankengruppe) © Daniel Canogar, Photo: Alexander Kempf


Date: Wed, 15. May 2024, 18:00 Uhr

Duration: 15. May - 30. September 2024

Location: KfW Bankengruppe

Palmengartenstraße 5-9
60325 Frankfurt am Main

The video installation can be viewed on weekdays by appointment. Interested visitors should register by e-mail: veranstaltungen@kfw-stiftung.de.

Artist Talk on 9 July 2024

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