Bees of KfW Stiftung
Frankfurt's urban nature is especially rich in variety. The city is the habitat of innumerable animals. A lot of buzzing goes on in the KfW gardens – they have been home to three bee colonies since 2011, in addition to plenty of wild bees.

KfW has redesigned these representative gardens especially for the bees, ensuring diversity of species, planting bee-friendly plants and building a bee hotel for wild bees. Our buzzy friends make use of the biodiversity they find in Frankfurt's Palmengarten, a public garden located close to the KfW premises, to collect delicious nectar. In 2013, KfW Stiftung took over KfW's activities and has since been offering guided tours, honey tastings and honey sales for KfW employees and the interested public.

Programme Management
Pia Puljanic
Photo credits:
01. Image: Source: KfW Stiftung, Author / Photographer: Pia Puljanic
02. Image: Source: KfW Stiftung, Author / Photographer: Holger Peters
03. Image: Source: KfW Stiftung, Author / Photographer: Pia Puljanic
04. Image: Source: KfW Stiftung, Author / Photographer: Pia Puljanic