Plant nursery of Schlocker-Stiftung
This is the foundation’s first interdisciplinary project that combines the issues of inclusion, responsible entrepreneurship and biodiversity.

We support Werkstatt Schlocker-Stiftung, a workshop for the disabled, with the aim of assisting the workshop’s gardeners in establishing a product line featuring local wild perennials, which would help safeguard 30 gardening jobs for disabled people.
The cultivation of local wild perennials will lead to the creation of new outlets, improving the prospects of Werkstatt Schlocker-Stiftung in the long term while simultaneously contributing to the preservation of local plant species. It has the potential of a pilot scheme that can be expanded to other workshops for disabled people. Apart from the gardening work itself, the project is also designed to raise awareness among the public for local wild perennials and their added value for the environment.

Wild and beautiful
Growing wild and native species of herbaceous perennials
The plant nursery of Schlocker-Stiftung in the EVIM facility for the disabled in Hattersheim already in the second year of funding offers a wide range of regional and wild species of herbaceous perennials – to enhance the beauty of your own natural garden.
KfW Stiftung supports the cultivation of native and wild herbaceous perennials in the plant nursery of Schlocker-Stiftung in the EVIM facility for the disabled in Hattersheim.
The nursery currently cultivates about 50 species. Wild herbaceous perennials are plants that exist naturally in the region. Although they are mostly perennial plants which have adapted to the climatic conditions, they are nevertheless often endangered. Many native and wild species of herbaceous perennials are not only wild beauties that can smarten up your garden, but are also very useful plants for bees, bumblebees and butterflies – or are even suitable for your salad.
The Schlocker-nursery has divided its large range of plants into three categories to help you make the right choice:
Wild & beautiful refers to plants that simply look great, either because of their flowers, their shape or their ornamental leaves, and includes different types of bluebells, wild carnations and mallows.
Wild & useful points out those plants that are particularly bee-friendly or attract butterflies or birds.
Wild & tasty indicates all edible wild herbs, such as dandelion or sorrel. They are the perfect ingredients for a wild herb salad or a green smoothie.

Programme Management
Pia Puljanic
Photo credits:
01. Image: Source: Werkstatt Schlocker Stiftung, Author / Photogapher: Lisa Farkas
02. Image: Source: Werkstatt Schlocker Stiftung, Author / Photogapher: Lisa Farkas
03. Image: Source: KfW Stiftung, Author / Photogapher: Pia Puljani
04. Image: Source: KfW Stiftung, Author / Photogapher: Pia Puljanic
05. Image: Source: KfW Stiftung, Author / Photogapher: Pia Puljanic