Inklusion im Sport – Free of charge weekends
Since the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted (in 2006), inclusion has been a political goal. However, implementing the convention has been hampered by architectural barriers and even more so by psychological ones.

Grassroots sports play a key role in overcoming these barriers by allowing inclusion to be experienced and brought to life in playful ways. For this reason, the sports federation Landessportbund Hessen, its sports youth organisation Sportjugend and the foundation KfW Stiftung have set up the initiative "Inklusion im Sport – selbstverständlich" ["Inclusion in sports – naturally"]. By means of a two-stage weekend seminar, we aim to remove psychological and practical barriers in grassroots sports, to give instruction on implementing inclusion and to provide successful practical examples encouraging others to follow suit. Fees are waived for those working full-time or voluntarily in school or grassroots sports.

Programme Management
Pia Puljanic
Photo credits:
01. Image: Source: SOD, Author / Photograper: Binh Truong
02. Image: Source: SOD, Author / Photograper: Andreas Endermann
03. Image: Source: SOD, Author / Photograper: Jörg Brüggemann/OSTKREUZ
04. Image: Source: SOD, Author / Photograper: Stefan Holtzem