Arts and Culture
Responsible Entrepreneurship
Arts and Culture
The focus of our commitment is on intercultural dialogue. In a globalised world, we demonstrate cultural diversity and create platforms to strengthen international contemporary arts. We thus empower creative artists’ individual development and bolster creativity, freedom of expression and the capacity for discourse. We develop programmes for and alongside creative artists from Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East to scrutinise existing mentalities and pave the way for new perspectives. Here we collaborate with organisations that are well networked in their respective cultural landscapes. So, together with our partners, our projects are able to actively give new impetus and encourage social debates.
Preserving biodiversity is a fundamental part of countering the impacts of climate change. KfW Stiftung supports regional, national and international initiatives and projects that contribute to highlighting the relevance of biodiversity for positive living conditions. In the international context, this also includes, in particular, the development of specialist expertise with further training and the implementation of measures for economic participation on the basis of intact natural areas. We receive support both from nature conservation organisations and from scientific partners.
Responsible Entrepreneurship
Advancing Germany’s transformation to a climate-neutral, digital economy is one of the main tasks of our benefactor, the promotional bank KfW. KfW Stiftung supports KfW’s major promotional tasks and focuses on supporting entrepreneurs who have made it their mission
to use their business models to make a positive impact towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We support them as they develop sustainable and social innovations for the economic and social challenges of the future and implement these with business resources. We cooperate with other foundations and people and organisations with practical experience to implement the projects.
Our projects that focus on social engagement support people as they find their place in life and take on an active role in their environment. In consultation with our partners, we support a pluralistic and tolerant society. We use educational approaches to increase people’s awareness of diversity as a positive and enriching aspect of community life. KfW Stiftung is convinced that personal experience with different people and issues contributes to better mutual understanding.