Observing and Learning about Beekeeping
KfW Stiftung supports the beekeeping association Landesverband hessischer Imker in setting up beekeeping for the public to observe and learn on the country estate Hofgut Gunterhausen located in the nature reserve Kühkopf-Knoblochsaue.

Thanks to this aid, the country estate's centuries-old tradition of beekeeping can be revived. The nature and information centre has been redesigned to host training courses and lectures where visitors can learn first-hand about honey bees, pollination and beekeeping.

Programme Management
Pia Puljanic
Photo credits:
01. Image: Source: KfW Stiftung, Author / Photographer: Pia Puljanic
02. Image: Source: KfW Stiftung, Author / Photographer: Pia Puljanic