Manege gGmbH
Thanks to the child care provided by the company Manege gGmbH in the youth centre Don-Bosco-Zentrum, young unemployed mothers and fathers are presented with new opportunities.

While continuing to benefit from public programmes helping them to qualify for jobs, and therefore to improve their prospects in the labour market, child care provides them with the necessary support and relief in everyday life. At times, the young parents are unable to cope with the double pressure of raising their children and of searching for jobs. That is why the foundation KfW Stiftung has decided to extend the important services provided by Manege gGmbH at Don-Bosco-Zentrum in Berlin's district of Marzahn. By including the child care programme and accompanying training courses, soon-to-be young mothers and fathers will receive an opportunity to prepare for the new stage in their lives.

Programme Management
Pia Puljanic
Photo credits:
All images: Source: KfW Stiftung, Author / Photographer: Jan Zappner